Blood Bowl teams – part 3

Cleaning up the figures are tiresome, but a few at the time makes a lot in the end.
Here are the Black orcs done.

All six Black orcs assembled
All six Black orcs assembled

Then it was time for the ogres and gnoblars to get finished.

The ogre team
The ogre team

A few of the first made figures was put on bases.

Added bases to a few of them
Added bases to a few of them

Then all the small ones got bases as well.

Goblins and gnoblars on bases
Goblins and gnoblars on bases

The dwarves had tabs and could be put on bases directly. Here are the first six done.

First six dwarves done
First six dwarves done

As many of the figures didn’t have any tabs to put into the slots, I used some macig sculpt to fill the slots on the bases.

Slots filled
Slots filled

Once the clay had hardened, I could start glueing the figures to their bases. Here are a total of four teams done, and ready for primer.

Four teams done
Four teams done

So now I have one ogre team, one human, one black orc and one dwarf team done. In the pile to the right are a few goblins that I’m working on. Time to start priming though.